
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Survivor - Practice Assignment

Characters and Motivations
  • Kate Abbot – Friends died in 9/11. She wants to protect the country.
  • Bill -
  • Sam – Trusted Kate and wanted to protect her.
  • Paul -
  • The Watchmaker (bad guy/assassin) – His motivation became clear at the end. He wanted to be a billionaire.
  • Ambassador – Only really cared about Politics. She didn’t want to upset any countries and wanted Kate dead so that it could all end.
  • Doctor Emil - A bad guy that works with different types of gases.

  • Gun fight between US soldiers and terrorists in Afghanistan.
  • 2 soldiers are captured, one is seen being killed.
  • Characters are introduced. They all work for the government.
  • Workers go out for dinner to celebrate Bills birthday. Bill turns out to be a traitor, and the office workers are blown up with a hidden bomb made by the assassin, "The Watchmaker."
  • Kate survives, and with the assassin hunting her she begins her long escape.

-end of beginning

  • Bill finds Kate after she has escaped from the assassin. Since he is a traitor he tries to shoot her, but she turns the gun on him. Bill dies and everyone sees what happened. The whole scene is recorded and people think Kate is a murderer, so she has to keep running away.
  • A man meets up with the Watchmaker and creates a device allowing him to track Kate. After making this the Watchmaker kills him and leaves.
  • Important building is blown when the Watchmaker shoots a gas tank with a sniper.
  • Kate’s friend is going to meet up with her and the bad guys are following.
  • Kate is at St Pancras station trying to find her friend. Bad guys and Watchmaker are chasing her and trying to shoot at her. They are bad at aiming.
  • The Watchmaker finds Kate and tries to blow her up. He fails.
  • Kate runs into her friend Sam and he takes her to safety.
  • Bills son turns out to be the soldier who died in Afghanistan at the start of the film.
  • The Watchmaker finds Kate and Sam. Sam gets blown up but of course Kate gets away.
  • Watchmaker says there will be blood on the streets of New York, just like 9/11.
  • Kate starts her journey to New York.

-end of middle

  • Kate sees on TV in the taxi that cooling gas will be used to cool down the New Year lights in New York. Kate knows that Doctor Emil is behind it and he will try to blow it up.
  • Kate goes down an alley and gets into a fight. She wins and runs away.
  • Kate is on her way to stop the Watchmaker and the Doctor from shooting the light and setting off the gas bomb.
  • Watchmaker kills the doctor.
  • Kate finds the Watchmaker before he can set off the bomb. She throws him off the roof.
  • Sam calls her. He survived. Kate saves the day.
-end of film

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