
Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Assignment - Creating Concept Art Ideas for Computer Game Graphics

Noel Pells
Level 3 Games Design
Unit 78: Digital Graphics for Computer Games

Assignment: Game Design Brief & Concept Art

Wayne’s Brief
Wayne wants us to create a 2D platform game with 5 levels. It must include at least one protagonist and several different enemies to avoid.

My Brief

What is my game/what is it about?
My game is called “Riley the Chav: Quest for The Snapback.” The game is about a chav called Riley, who is going to different "Hatz4U" shops as he tries to steal a snapback. However he can’t get his hands on one because the evil managers keep moving them to different shops. In the game you will have to go through 5 levels as you avoid security guards and CCTV cameras, and you will have to reach the shops at the end of the level.

For my game, I will need:
A player sprite (Riley the chav)
Security guard
CCTV camera

My game will have 5 levels, and each one will be slightly harder than the previous. They will all use the same enemies however they will do different amounts of damage and or move faster. The layout of each level will also be a lot different and enemy placement will vary. 

Other Elements
The game will be a platform game with big levels where the jumping mechanic is used a lot. Since the levels will be fairly big, checkpoints will be used so if the player gets quite far into the level and dies, they will start about halfway when they respawn. Coins and 1UP’s can also be collected. Coins will increase your score and are an optional part of the game, and 1UP’s will give you an extra life. At the start of the game, the player has 5 lives. If all of the lives are lost, the player will have to go right back to the first level and do everything again.

Legal and Ethical Considerations
My game will be aimed at male teens around the ages of 15-16. This is because the game involves crime. You are trying to shop-lift in the game while you avoid security guards and CCTV cameras.

Also, even though the game concept is supposed to be funny, some could find it offensive. People who play the game would have to be older and more mature to understand it's only a game and it isn't trying to be offensive.

Computer Game Graphics, Concept Art and Mood Boards
My game will use simple 2D graphics. This is because I will be making the game in Game Maker. The sprites/levels will be in a pixel art style. The in game sprites will be 32x32 pixels.

Below you can see the concept art I have created for my game. The big character is the main character Riley, in the bottom left is the shop you need to reach at the end of each level, and in the bottom right there is a coin (what you collect for score. also it was supposed to be a bronze colour but I coloured it in with yellow by mistake.) For the rest of the characters in the game such as the security guards and manager, I will use a similar shape.

Mood Boards


The shopping center and street are two settings that I will use in the game. I will use settings like this for the games backgrounds.

Sprites and Textures

A brick wall texture will be used for some most of the walls in the game.

The aim of the game is to get the snapback. There are many different colours and styles I can use.

Some sprites similar to the one I have made.


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